Université Rodrol

Huguette Paquet

Synovitis of the wrist, edema, pain, automobile accident, TENS

(Québec, Canada)


Dear Dr. Drolet,

I purchased the RHUMART because I had a problem with my wrist and my finger which made my job difficult. I went to the doctor who told me I had synovitis in the right wrist and a trigger finger on the left hand. I couldn’t lift a full cup let alone the pot to serve the tea. My finger was particularly painful in the morning and remained jammed.

I had a lump at the bottom of my left middle finger and another on my right wrist. My right hand was weak and I had almost constant pain. I was discouraged at not being able to work. I wanted to make pasta for the holidays, but could not. The doctor prosposed to treat it with anti-inflammatories, physiotherapy, and injections, and as a last option, surgery.

This was during the holidays and my husband asked me what I would like for Christmas. I told him that the best gift I could imagine would be a RHUMART machine to treat my hands. So together we bought one in early January, 2006. I treated my hands separately every day, on rhe A2, N2, and T10 settings with the pads (Rebone-4A), and every other day on the A4, N2, and T10 settings with the Large rings (Maxi-2A).

I continued the treaments for a little over a month. On February 5, I noticed that the lump in the right hand was now half the size. On February 9, 2006, the lump on the left hand was gone, the right wrist was much less painful, and the lump had also become smaller. February 17, there was almost no more pain in the right wrist, and on March 4, 2006, the pain was gone and my strength had returned. I have not had any problems with my left hand (trigger finger) or my right wrist (synovitis) since then. I consider myself completely healed.

I also used the RHUMART  for other problems, including a broken left clavicle from a car accident and a cervical traumatism that made turning my head impossible (March 10, 2006). I was required to attend doctor-prescribed physiotherapy sessions to receive insurance from the SAAQ.

At physio, my neck was treated with TENS which caused acute pain behind my eyeballs as well as a bad headache. Since I couldn’t cancel my therapy, I asked the physiotherapist to stop using the TENS. I replaced it with RHUMART treatments using the A1, N2, and T5 settings. That really helped me and gradually, my neck pain diminished. Now, in January 2011, my neck is back to normal and I haven’t had any problems with my hands since 2006.

Thank you Dr. Drolet for this wonderful invention!

Huguette Paquet
Quebec, Canada, 2011.