Université Rodrol

The RHUMART paradigm, Volume 2

Introduction to fundamental sciences :

Physics, medicine, mathematics,

astronomy, and spirituality

Volume ❷ is addressed to those who have read volume ❶ and want to dig deeper to integrate the simple, logical bases of the physical and mental sciences as well as the physiological, psychological and spiritual sciences.

These courageous and open-minded people wish to go on a voyage of discovery. They are motivated by all that concerns the person and by alternative medicine, including the Self-Health™ Interactive approach, self-control of the one's mind (or one's spirit), and natural means of eliminating human (or inhuman) suffering.

In fact, suffering can be too demeaning (or acceptable) to be considered a person’s friend (or enemy), according to the thoughts, words, and actions that this suffering inspires in the human mind. Let’s simply say that the human mind is more or less conscious of its own, potentially unlimited power if one manages to control it by himself, or with the help of others.

As an original preface, here is an article entitled “From stardust to ... the human soul” (or “From the origin of life to ... the human soul”) from chapter 2 of vol. 9 Fr in the Mikal Encyclopedia.

Table of contents for Volume 2 and an abridged 37-page version, available FREE of charge:

Table of contents for Volume 2 and an abridged 37-page French version (Free)